Animal Welfare

Animal Welfare and Protection

The Noble Veterinary Surgeons Clinic has a unique approach to veterinary care, considering all the five freedoms of animal welfare. Our veterinarians are dedicated to diagnosing, preventing, and treating diseases responsibly and compassionately. Note that we preserve all animal rights, from companion animals to small animals, from equine to exotic animals.

animal welfare

Animal Welfare 

We’re experts in caring for all kinds of animals, giving advice and tips on how to treat them well and keep them healthy and happy.

animal welfare services

What is Animal Welfare? 

Animal welfare encompasses all animals’ overall well-being, encompassing their physical and emotional health. It is often influenced by the environment in which the animals live and work, human practices, and the resources available to the animals.  

Our animal clinic care about the general health of the animals by ensuring a sustainable life.  

Animal Welfare Act

The Animal Welfare Act in Kenya is a crucial legal requirement that ensures every animal leads a sustainable life. It encompasses animal rights that dictate how an animal should be cared for, managed, and used correctly. This places animal welfare responsibilities on every animal owner and veterinarian. Here are some of the essential obligations: 

  •  Meet physical, health, and behavioral animal needs 
  •  Ensure sick/injured are treated or humanely killed 
  •  Mercy killing animals in unnecessary pain and distress 
  •  Don’t sell an animal when in pain or distress 
  •  Providing for all the needs of your animal 
  •  Don’t ill-treat animals (physical and mental abuse) 
animal welfare services

What are the Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare?

Freedom from hunger & thirst

Animals have a right to access fresh water and food to maintain their health and vigor 

Freedom from discomfort

Animals need the right environment to stay including a good shelter and a good resting place 

Freedom from pain, injury, or disease

Animal rights require animals to access diagnostic, prevention, and treatment veterinary services. 

Freedom to Express Normal Behavior

By providing enough space, proper care, and company from animals of the same species. 

Freedom from Fear and Distress

A system that provides conditions that protect the animals mental health.  

Animal Welfare FAQs

What should you do if you find an injured animal on the road?

Take the animal to a veterinary clinic for medical assistance or call an emergency vet helpline. 

How can I re-home my pet?

Look for the nearest animal orphanage and put the pet up for adoption. 

What should you do if your pet dies?

Take it to the government designated cemetaries

What are the 5 freedoms of Animal Welfare

Freedom from hunger & thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from pain, injury, or disease, freedom to express normal behavior, and freedom from fear and distress. 

We Provide Professional Veterinary Services

We offer a full spectrum of Veterinary Services to individuals and corporate clients.