Pet Grooming Services

Pet Grooming

Pet grooming services involve cleaning and caring for your pet’s appearance and hygiene, including skin, nails, fur, ears, and teeth. Our animal clinic offers pet grooming services for dogs and cats, including bathing, nail trimming, brushing, haircuts, and ear cleaning. Our professional pet groomers do it at home on appointment or at our veterinary offices in Nairobi and Kiambu. 

pet grooming

Top Pet Groomers in Kenya 

Professional and mobile pet groomers, offering a range of services, from a simple bath to a full pet groom.  

Professional Pet Grooming Services

Get professional grooming services for all pets regardless of size or breed. Here are some of our popular grooming services available at home and at the pet salon: 

Veterinary health certificate

Dog Grooming Services

Find Dog grooming services for all breeds and sizes of dogs. Professional pet groomers conduct the grooming. Hence, your pet gets access to the latest dog styling, nail trimming, brushing, ear cleaning, sanitary trim, de-matting, etc. Conveniently, we have mobile pet grooming services, meaning that we can service your dog at home. We bring the right tools, resources, and products for a professional dog grooming service. You can also schedule a pet grooming appointment with us and visit one of our pet salons.

Pet Dental Care

Cat Grooming Services

The cat grooming services keep your cat healthy, clean, good-looking, and neat. Your cat gets a bath, nail trimming, teeth brushing, breed-specific haircuts, ear cleaning, and sanitary trim. At our pet salon, you have a team of professionals to do these services. We have the right tools and products at our disposal. In case of noticeable health issues during grooming, we have in-house veterinarians to diagnose and treat. 

Why your Pets Need Professional Grooming Services?

Our pet spa offers the highest standards of professional pet grooming services. Here are obvious reasons why your pet should get professional grooming:

Access to the right grooming tools and Products for your pet.

Experienced professional pet groomers

Access to mobile grooming services or at-home services

Natural and certified products

Proper grooming for pets of all sizes and breeds

Professional Veterinary Services

We offer a full spectrum of Veterinary Services
to individuals and corporate clients.

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